Cancer free Day 20

TodayvI made food progress on walking. This morning Jeff and I went up and down the stairs to sit in the courtyard. It was cold but then warmed up.

In the evening I went up and down the stairs again with Laura, to sit in the courtyard. I saw a jacket and thought what a shame that someone left it. Then I realized it was mine. I had left it down there in the morning.

Cancer free day 19

I know this picture looks like all the others ones, but it’s taken in our new Air BnB. Due to the infection, we extended our stay. Our original Air BnB didn’t have availabilty, so we moved to a new one.

Jeff packed all our suitcases, loaded the car, drove to Laura’s where we hung out between checkout and checkin. Then he unloaded all the suitcases and got them to our new Air BnB.

All I had to do was walk from the car, but of course I’m the one complaining about how tired I am.

Cancer free day 15

Sven and Sergiob are mad at me because they didn’t get to come with me yesterday. At around 5pm I got a fever. That led to a call with the nurse and a trip to ER. I thought it would be quick and I didn’t want them to get lost or traumatized seeing an ER.

After a night at the ER in Walnut Creek they decided I have an infection in my abdomon. I’ve been transferred back to UCSF.

Right now I’m getting IV antibiotics and waiting for the doctors to decide if they need to put in a drain. But my fever is gone.

Cancer free day 13

It dawned on me today that since they were able to get all the cancer, the number of days post surgery are also the days I’ve been cancer-free!

Today I was able to go up the 6 steps that led to the backyard. It felt so great to sit up outside. Although after two hours I was so wiped out my knees were shaking on the walk back in. But after many hours of resting I’m feeling good.