Lost and Found Wallet

Yesterday we changed AirBnB’s. I didn’t take pictures of the move which is why there is this picture of Jello.

During the Uber drive between AirBnBs I dropped my wallet in the Uber. I didn’t realize my wallet was missing until hours later where I went through all our luggage and thought I was going crazy.

We finally gave up looking, put holds on pur credit cards and went grocery shopping.

This store was crazy for Jello.

By bedtime I had accepted the loss of my wallet when we got a text from Uber. Our driver found my wallet and had it for us!

Today we’ll get it from him and give him a 5 star review. Just kidding. We already did give him a good review but we may buy him beer or something.

Beach day

On Sunday we took an Uber to the beach. This one is only 20 minutes from our Air BnB. It was beautiful and not that crowded. A lot of cruise ships stop here, but not on Sundays.

We started at a restaurant for breakfast nachos.

We walked along the beach. We had hats, water and sunscreen but still got really hot.

We stopped for lemonade and guacamole and chips.

And then we went back to our Airbnb.

Mexican Wine Tasting

Jeff and I went to a wine tasting event on Saturday night. They had wine from all over Mexico. Not that we’re wine snobs, but I don’t think of Mexico when I think of wine. But it was really good and the vendors were so nice and excited to have us taste their wine.

After the tasting we went to the main square for a cultural event where they reenact a game the Mayans played. But I had the days wrong. Instead we found a place to do a Mezcal tasting. Mezcal is like Tequilla but smoky. I don’t normally like it, but I did like one of these.

Apartment hunting

We saw several apartments yesterday that were close but not perfect. Our Airbnb it’s currently on the outskirts of town. Sergio and Jeff like being out in the open area where the buildings are modern and there are sidewalks.

Sven and I find this area to be a little tame. There are no doors out here to photograph.

We are seeing a few more today. We have a great rental agent who must make a good commission because he’s being patient with our many wants.

Furnished, king bed, desk, balcony with a view, 2 bathrooms, oven.

Safety Signs and Egg Bragging

We went into an OXXO last night. It’s like a 7 Eleven. They had this huge egg display. With the exchange rate a dozen eggs is $2 American dollars. At this point it feels like bragging because who buys eggs at an OXXO?

I wasn’t feeling great yesterday so didn’t do much. But I did spend some time learning about what to do in an emergency. These signs are posted outside the elelevators. I love the first picture. If trapped im an elevator hold a briefcase and shake hands.

The first picture in the above sign is also pretty great. If your short friend is about to throw up comfort them and lecture them.

Apartment hunting and a funny car

Jeff and I are in an Air Bnb right now but we want to move to a long term rental that that we can stay in for a few months. We found a realator company that is highly reccomended by expats. This is the car one of them drove. It was a motorcycle motor. It was super small and not something I’d want to ride in for more than a few blocks.

You wouldn’t think an oven would be a big deal but most apartments here don’t have them.

The above apt has a nice view until you realize it’s overlooking a Walmart.

So, the hunt continues.

Good weather and a papaya tree

Today something happened that never ever happened in Panama. I needed jacket. It was so nice out and dare I say it, chilly.

We stated the day on a walk.

We passed an empty lot that had this papaya tree growing on it. I Googled it to confirm it was a papaya tree. They look so weird.

We saw this street sign. Maybe could have used more description or a word or two?

We also stopped in a pharmacy that had its own mascot, of a pharmacist. Or its the Kentucky Fried Chicken guy.

Tamales and Dancing crossing guards

On Sundays they close one of the main roads to bicycles. We saw this in Panama and Colombia too. Such a cool thing. Maybe it’s everywhere and I just never noticed.

It was 102 for a high so we got out early and didn’t eat breakfast. This nice tamale seller gave us a free sample of a strawberry tamale. It was so good we boought some chicken ones. I am going tamale crazy.

I’m also going door crazy in Merida.

By 11:00 it was already too hot so we went into a 2nd floor coffee shop. This crossing guard was cutting a rug out there in the heat dancing.

He seemed hapoy that I enjoyed his dance routine.

Slow foods market and Mexican wine

Jeff and I are not wine snobs, but when someone suggested Mexican wine we were both dubious. But it was really good. Who knew. It wasn’t the best wine of our lives but I’d buy a bottle.

It was 102 degrees here yesterday, but nice in the morning. We went to a Slow Food market. I guess Slow Food is worldwide. It’s an organization that promotes organic and ethical foods. The vendors were so nice and patient with my Spanish and proud of their products We bought cheese, sausage, bread, veggies, honey and tamales which we ate there.