Day 9 Digital thermometers suck

Today started off great. I’m getting my energy back and while still resting am back to talking Jeff’s ear off. I am for sure on the upswing

Jeff went to do errands today one of which was to either find a battery for the 3 digital thermometers we have that are all low battery. Or buy a new one.

After going to a store called Casa De Batterias

which has all kinds of batteries except the kind for thermometers. he came back with a new one.

I ran a fever at 4:00 and this is what the brand new one showed after using it once.

The difference between 37.8 and 38.0 can decide if we need to go to the ER.

So, Jeff is currently our shopping for a 4th digital therm.

Update-by the time he got home with thermometer 4 and 5, my fever was down but the doctor had called and wanted us to come in.

three hours later we are back home with another antibiotic. prescription and instructions to keep checking my temp.

Day 8 Fever watch

Since a fever would require another trip to the ER, I rested all day and monitored my temp. Sven kept a close eye on me

It did hit 38F at one point but my doctor said if I keep checking it every 4 hours and it doesn’t go higher I don’t have to come in.

Ummm I’ve been checking it every 20 minutes in the day and waking up every 2 hours to check it at night.

Sven is also keeping me hydrated. PMI (the company I work for) gave me my very own personalized tumbler. The other side has my name and emoji but I couldn’t get Sven to sit still for the photo shoot.

Day 7 a mixed bag.

I felt good this morning and was even able to work a little. Sven wanted to learn how to forecast mugs.

Although being a sloth he lost interest and then just watched me forecast.

Unfortunately my fever came back in the afternoon. It’s gone now and the doctor said it was ok to have one today. Fingers crossed it doesn’t come back tomorrow when it’s a bigger deal after being on antibiotics due 48 hours.

Day 6 is better

Today has been much better. I am still exhausted, but I was fever free for most of the day. When the fever came back Tylenol, antibiotics and this nice cold washcloth from Jeff helped.

Jeff and Sven worked on submitting all the bills for insurance today. It’s good that Sven is willing to help because they has practically been a full time job for Jeff.

Day 5 not so great

When you get Wasabi your immune system becomes suppressed so any fever is a big deal. Before I even started, my oncologist told me to buy a thermometer and if my temperature went above 38C I had to call him.

Calling him led us to the emergency room at the hospital.

Five hours and some crossword puzzles later, my doctor told us that I did indeed have an infection and I needed antibiotics.

So now we’re back home. I feel like I have the flu but the infection should be under control and I’m on Tylenol and amoxicillon.

It wasn’t the best day but I didn’t have to stay at the hospital so I consider that a win.

Day 4 a little worse than day 3.

I’m doing fine but tired and nauseous. Sven and I hung out by the pool while Jeff swam laps.

Jeff offered to carry my new hat down to the pool for me, on his head. I’m thinking he definitely needs a big hat.

There are really good meds for nauseous now which are helping. And weirdly being sick to my stomach is not affecting my appetite.

Our friend Samuel brought over home made arrepas which were amazing.

Sven is a Panamanian sloth, but also enjoys Venezuelan food.

Day 3 the steroids have worn off.

The steroids wore off as expected today so I’m a bit nauseous and tired.

They told me the Wasabi would make me sun sensitive and they weren’t kidding. I was covered up yesterday except for my neck. I had spf of 55 on but still got burnt. So I bought this hat.

Even a bit sick to my stomach I haven’t lost my appetite. Jeff made me this delicious breakfast. Jeff makes me breakfast every morning. But it tasted even better today. ❀

Sven is also at the ready in case I need anything.

I saw this in instagram today and it’s so so true.

This could not be more true. While I feel sort of under the weather, the people of Ukraine are fighting for their county and their lives. πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦.

I’m fully aware and grateful of how extremely lucky I am. That’s not even some cancer lesson, that’s just the thought I think we all have when hearing the news about Ukraine.

Day 2 great thanks to steroids

It’s a good thing my friends Shannon and Wendy explained how this works, because otherwise I would think Wasabi gave me super powers.

The first drug they gave me now code named schnitzel (thank you Sara) is a steroid that works as a antinausea drug. That drug is the shit. I woke up feeling great, we went for a 2 mile walk and now I’m ready to go out to lunch.

Unfortunately it will wear off by tomorrow but I may challenge Jeff to arm wrestling first.

First dose too spicy

Within minutes of getting the first chemo drug I had an allergic reaction. I got super hot, dizzy and must have looked crazy because they took a photo of me. They said it was to send to the doctor but it might have just been funny.

Three nurses worked quickly switching me back to saline, took my blood pressure etc. After I was back to normal and they talked to my doctor they started it again but mixed with I assume saline. Now I’m fine.

My ice socks and ice packs for my hands are getting mixed reactions.

One nurse thought it was funny, one super interesting and one just rolled her eyes.