
We flew from Bogota to Tulum today. The flight was great. It was so empty that we each had an entire row to ourselves. Once we landed we became hapless.

At customs they wanted to search our giant suitcase. But, we locked it and couldn’t remember the code. Turns out it was 000 Then Jeff got stopped when the sniffer dog alerted on his suitcase. When we left I put all our leftover spices in zip lock bags and took then with us. Turms out you can’t take seeds into the country. Customs officials confiscated cumin seeds and red pepper flakes. Then we went to call an Uber and found we had no cell phone data and also there isn’t Uber in Tulum. It all worked out we got a taxi, got to our Airbnb and went out to dinner.

5 thoughts on “Tulum”

    1. Ha! I’m not anonymous on purpose. New phone and I guess my info didn’t transfer over…😘 Terry

  1. Oh no! Crazy turn of events! Not surprised that you guys (world travelers) made it through ♥️. Enjoy…

  2. Wow – what an adventure. I’m glad you got the suitcase open. But sorry about the loss of cumin. Enjoy your time!

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