Lost and Found Wallet

Yesterday we changed AirBnB’s. I didn’t take pictures of the move which is why there is this picture of Jello.

During the Uber drive between AirBnBs I dropped my wallet in the Uber. I didn’t realize my wallet was missing until hours later where I went through all our luggage and thought I was going crazy.

We finally gave up looking, put holds on pur credit cards and went grocery shopping.

This store was crazy for Jello.

By bedtime I had accepted the loss of my wallet when we got a text from Uber. Our driver found my wallet and had it for us!

Today we’ll get it from him and give him a 5 star review. Just kidding. We already did give him a good review but we may buy him beer or something.

One thought on “Lost and Found Wallet”

  1. OMG!! That can be so terrifying loosing your wallet. So glad it was found. Funny with all the jello 😋

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