Apartment hunting and a funny car

Jeff and I are in an Air Bnb right now but we want to move to a long term rental that that we can stay in for a few months. We found a realator company that is highly reccomended by expats. This is the car one of them drove. It was a motorcycle motor. It was super small and not something I’d want to ride in for more than a few blocks.

You wouldn’t think an oven would be a big deal but most apartments here don’t have them.

The above apt has a nice view until you realize it’s overlooking a Walmart.

So, the hunt continues.

3 thoughts on “Apartment hunting and a funny car”

  1. Lol what a ‘cute get-around’. Good luck Apt hunting. Glad to see that this is going to be your next home 😊. Would love to come visit. Hugs

  2. Are you staying in the same area ? I can’t wait to see your new apartment pics!! Hugs to you both

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