Fish heads

We started the day at an art museum. When we got there a group of people were doing the hokey pokey.

After the museum we went to Veragrus which is the nearest beach to Panama City. It’s not the greatest beach but there are restaurants that line the beach which make for a fun Sunday lunch.

Jeff had chicken. I had a piece of fish but Rolf and Samuel had entire fish including the heads.

some people enjoy fish heads.
some do not.

But it was a fun day and I’m feeling back to myself!!

100% complete!!!!!!

Cheers to all of us, me, Jeff, Sven and every single one of you that has been on this ride with us.

There is a saying in the cancer community “No one fights alone.” That is so incredibly true. There is no way we could have gotten through this so well without all your support.

Thank you!!!! Your love, caring and support has been everything to us.

I saw my doctor today and he has switched me from active treatment to followup. I don’t see him again until Sept.

Dr. Moreno my Wasabi doctor.

While I really like him. I’m happy to not see him again for three months.

I’ve become addicted to blogging so I’ll keep updating this blog, probably not everyday but still a lot. Sven will want to update you on what he’s up to.

Thank you all so so much!!!❤❤❤

We love you!!!!

W4 Day 26

Today we went out to lunch to a restaurant called Todo Avacado. My salad was really good. It was pretty normal with avocado on top.

Jeff’s was good to but a little more unusual. He got a hamburger that came in an avocado vs a bun.

I’m feeling good. I’m still more tired than usual but every day I have a bit more energy.

W4 Day 25

Last night Rolf and Samuel had us over for dinner.

As usual they made us an amazing dinner. Steak with an onion sauce, potatoes and salad.

Honestly by the time dessert rolled around the wine had gone to my head. So I don’t remember what this was. I am such a light weight now with alcohol which is a good thing.

There was ice cream, a sauce and a fruit I had never tried before.

W4 Day 24

I finally got my hair done today! It’s so nice to have a new look.

Sven tried to convince me he knew how to do hair. He put on rubber gloves and wanted to start dyeing it.

Instead I went to a salon called Hairarchy. Roberto worked a miracle to get it back into shape

Walking into the salon.

walking out of the salon.

W4 Day 23

I’m on a major detox kick. While some people call Wasabi poison, I still try to think of it as medicine and a spicy condiment. But either way I’m ready to rid my body of any of it still hanging around.

Between teas, supplements and of course gin and tonics I’m cleaning out my system.