This is the face of a woman who just got a senior citizen discount! Women who are residents and over 55 get a jubliada (retired person) discount on many things in Panama. One being entrance into forest preserves.
It did include wearing this bright yellow wristband. Non jubliados like Jeff just got white ones. I’d like to believe in a natural disaster they use the bright yellow to know who to rescue first.
My discount was an entire dollar. Yes one dollar off. Jeff is not a senior citizen yet. Even though we are the same age men don’t get the discount until age 60. This is why I’m Jeff’s silver mama. Not able to support him like a sugar mama but at least can save us money.
At this rate only need to go a few thousand times to get this residency visa to pay for itself.
I was super tired on this hike. It made me realize I’m getting stronger everyday but still regaining strength.
The only wildlife we saw were catapillers.
When we got home we realized why we didn’t see any sloths. Sven was on a conference call with all the Panamanian sloths. They were planning their next meet up.