Jeff and I went out to lunch today. It required hours of resting before we went and after we got back but it was so worth it.
It felt great to be out in the world. By the end of lunch I was a bit slumped over. Good thing we were the only patrons.
Jeff and I went out to lunch today. It required hours of resting before we went and after we got back but it was so worth it.
It felt great to be out in the world. By the end of lunch I was a bit slumped over. Good thing we were the only patrons.
Love your smiles!! Keep resting & healing. Hugs ❤️
That is so amazing! I love the fact you’re having field trips!
Oh and I’d blame feeling fatigued on too much wine for lunch. 😜
Terrific. That’s great to hear! 🙂
Aw…you guys look so cute!!
Glad you got to venture out!
Yay! I’m so glad you two got to have a lunch date out! What did you eat? 🌮
That is a good day! ❤️❤️