Today I’m showing off my University of Wisconsin shirt given to me by my friend and fellow alum Robin. I wish I had a bag of cheese curds to eat while wearing it.
I went back in the pool today walks actually swam a bit. I did a very small amount of breast stroke. It wasn’t much but I feel like a swam the Panama Canal.
Glad you have lots of options for mixing up your workouts.
Bruce & I are in the dark… Western Washington is in the midst of a historic “atmospheric bomb” with hurricane-like conditions that has knocked out power
💨 🌧️
And that’s after the first snowfall (dusting) of the year this morning . ❄️
I love your casual look💚xoxo
So glad things are going well. You look wonderful. ❣️
How’s the origami coming along?
You look extraordinarily cool that shirt, even by the usual Sheryl standard of coolness!
I think you should complement the shirt with a Long Island ice tea or something, to align it more closely to the real Madison experience.
Looking good!