W3 Day 8

Today was another feel great sitting down,tired when I stand day. I went for a tiny walk around the pool area.

As you see above, I was feeling great sitting on a lounge chair.

So confusing when I stand up and go from great to exhausted.

Back to sitting down three minutes into the walk. Good thing there are a lot of chairs around the pools.

Can I go up these stairs?

Made it up the stairs. This path looks daunting.

visual metaphor for the dauntingness

Wasabi has really taught me how to slow down. Just think if I was walking at normal speed I may have missed this life sized metal wire basket.

Well hello fancy chaise.

Crap, now that I’ve sat down. I may be too tired to continue.

Thank God I continued. I may have missed these different life sized metal baskets.

And now I’m back exhausted after about 3 blocks.

This photo of me sleeping is a faked selfie.

Jeff was too busy swimming to be my personal photographer…this time.

W3 Day 7

The highlight of the day was without a doubt eating this piece of homemade sourdough bread that Jeff made me.

Even if I wasn’t recovering and had a normal day it still would have been the highlight. It was that good.

Today I felt good as long as I was sitting or lying down. So, after 3 cycles it finally dawned in me, maybe that’s all I should do today.

Also my hair is still shedding but I somehow still have a lot. I’m perplexed and assume it’s all a facade and one day soon a strand will fall out that tips the scales and I seem bald. I have two wigs on standby just in case.

W3 Day 6

Today was another good day of resting. I’m so so grateful to have the opportunity to do nothing but rest. It’s such a luxury and privilege to be able to take care of myself and not worry about work, other responsibilities, housework, etc. I realize how lucky I am.

My big outing was to walk outside about a block. After seeing the water I walked through the building and passed this.

I knew I was an old lady when I couldn’t help myself and said out loud, “Seriously? Are you kidding me?” I’m sure someone young could explain this to me and why it isn’t an oxymoron. But then again I’d rather just think it is.

W3 Day 5

Today I’ve been exhausted. It’s amazing how tiring doing absolutely nothing can be.

I’m working to keep my immune system up with healthy food and rest. Sven and I took an afternoon chicken broth break. I’ll be honest. It was not good. I know low sodium is the way to go, but yick. There is something to be said for salt.

W3 Day 4

Here’s a fun sloth fact. Sloths only go to the bathroom once a week.

This is TMI, but my digestion after Wasabi has been sloth like. Its a common side effect that I’ve experienced. But this cycle I finally have a handle on it. So I’m feeling good. I’m tired but my digestion it working well this time.

So, back to sloths. They live high up in trees and only come down once a week to poop. Last year Jeff and I were on a nature walk and we saw a couple taking a photo of a sloth at the bottom of a tree. They were all excited but I just thought “Let that poor sloth have some privacy.”

This photo is from Google but shows that even pooping they are cute.

W3 Day 2

The steroids they start the Wasabi with for anti nauseous make me super energetic. You can see the crazy in my eyes and this was before coffee.

Before Jeff even finished making coffee I had planned out our entire next year.

Each time the effects go away faster which according to Jeff is not a bad thing.

Today they lasted until lunch when we walked over to a close by cafe for salad and empanadas

This salad looks weird but the brown things are just mushrooms.

And then I was back to normal and read and napped the rest of the day which was great.

Wasabi #3

I’m always a bit nervous beforehand which is weird because the infusions really are not bad.

Jeff, Sven and I started the day with a bowl of overnight oats. When my friend Alison told me about overnight oats years ago it changed breakfast for me.

The nurses were really into Sven today which made him feel like a celebrity.

He had me stay hydrated which meant lots of trips to the bathroom wheeling my IV stand.

That is the stand behind him. The bathroom is a few steps higher than the infusion room with a ramp to wheel up your IV stand. On the way out, the ramp ended at a chair with a women getting Wasabi. Each time I was convinced I’d lose control of my IV stand and me and my stand would end up in her lap. But it was ok.

somehow never noticed the chair reclined until today.

Now I’m resting and have Wasabi bed head. Also thinking about pop tarts.

50% complete!

No matter if you think this glass glass is half full or half empty the important thing is it’s HALF something.

I’m officially halfway through the Wasabi including the actual infusion and side effects. My bloodwork looks good and I’m ready to get Wasabi tomorrow!

This glass has celebratory Emergen C. I am going to have a celebratory gin and tonic tonight. But wanted to celebrate while it was still light outside.

Thank you to all of you!!! I could not have gotten this far without all of you. Your messages,texts, calls, im’s it means the world to Jeff, me and Sven. ❤❤❤❤