W4 Day 8

The day started with an early morning street protest by the food delivery drivers. They have been on strike all week. I tried to take a photo from the balcony. I missed them but you do get a feel for how high up we are on the 59th floor. I don’t normally look straight down

I was tired today but made it down to the pool area. It was cloudy so was able to sit on a lounge chair and watch Jeff swim.

My big exercise for the day was when it started to rain.

yep, going to have seek cover.
phew those 20 steps were exhausting

Luckily there are only 2 more days for my immune system and energy level to go down before it makes its way back up.

W4 Day 7

I’m feeling so much better today. You can see from the chart that my immune system is starting to plunge so I’ll be tired. But then it will go back up pretty quickly.

You can also see I still have hair, but less and less. Everyday it thins. I still may lose it which will settle they question, will I keep it gray or dye it brown again when Wasabi over. If I go bald I’ll be blonde and also brunette depending on which wig I feel like wearing.

W4 Day 6

Today started rough when I spilled water in the kitchen then slipped in the water and fell. I’m totally fine, but it reminded reminded me I need to just rest. I’m lucky that Jeff is taking such good care of me and doing all the cleaning and cooking.

I hung out in the outdoor living room and ate the homemade bread Jeff made that I brought down as a snack.

Later in the day Sven and I enjoyed potato chips.

W4 Day 5

Not to brag but I totally rocked the Marie Antoinette this morning.

I just need the fancy hat.

The reason. I’m always in this orange dress in my hair photos is because this is my coffee dress. It’s super comfy but due to the color makes me look nude. So I only wear it first thing in the morning while drinking coffee on our balcony.

I’m starting to feel better. Tired but not so crummy. Today Sven helped me with my latch hook. I’ve timed it so I’ll finish it when I complety finish Wasabi and side effects. Both are getting close to done!

W4 Day 3

The day started off with this crazy hairdo. I woke up with Cruella De Ville thing going on but put this hat on before i could capture it.

I’ve got the routine down now so know what to expect, eat and drink to keep my stomach and overall digestion happy. And I’ve got the total resting part down pat. So now it’s just a matter of waiting out and getting it done.

I can’t drink for a few weeks and alcohol actually doesn’t even taste good. So La Croix is my happy hour drink for now.

W4 Day 2

I didn’t think I was on the normal steroid high I get the day after Wasabi. But Jeff assured me I was. At first he thought maybe half as much as last time.

He quickly changed that to almost full strength.

We went down to the pool.

While Jeff swam laps I hung out on steroids at the outdoor living room.

Then after a long nap the steroids began to wear off. We walked a block to a nearby cafe for salad and empanadas.

fun while it lasted

But now back in my familar lawn chair kicking back for relaxation and recovery.

4th and last Wasabi!!

Getting ready this morning was a lot easier knowing what to expect after 3 times and knowing it was the last one.

This is how Sven got into my backpack.

Jeff came with me as he always does to my appt. They don’t let anyone in the infusion room so he sat with me until they called me in, went home and came back and picked me up 3 hours later.

Sven is thinking of becoming a nurse now so was really interested in the things they needed to hook me up.

He really wanted to look closely at how they administer the drugs.

I slept through most of it today only waking up to put on my ice socks and gloves.

This was the last bag of meds.

No bell to ring but I did get a certificate and a really sweet send off.

I would say I will miss my nurses but I have to come back every 2 months for them to flush my port. I need to keep it in for a few months just to be sure I don’t need it again. So I will see them again but it will be much quicker and easier.

Afterwards went out for lunch which included fresh juice

Now back at home napping and eating homemade bread that Jeff had waiting for me. I’m tired and don’t feel like I’m on a steroids high yet but you can see the steroids induced crazy in my eyes.