W2 Day 7

Our fridge is finally fixed and we got a small order delivered from the grocery store. We didn’t want to buy too much in case the fix is short lived. But tonight we are making a nice lentil and sweet potato stew. And then excited to refrigerate the left overs.

I’m feeling good just super tired. Sven and I did some latch hooking today. I used to love latch hook as a kid and still do.

Let me know if anyone needs a shag rug wall hanging. I’m currently working on a cute rainbow but after that I’m available for all your latch hooking needs.

W2 Day 6

I know this sounds like a stretch but these are medicinal croissants.

Our cleaning lady came today and was such a life saver because besides cleaning our apt she also threw out the rest of the rotten food in our broken fridge and cleaned it.

I forgot to eat before we went down to the pool while she cleaned. I was pretty nauseous so Jeff made a run to the French bakery and got these croissants. And they really did help.

The rest of the day was spent resting and monitoring my hair situation.

I still have hair which is shocking considering how much it’s thinning.

I’m feeling pretty good, still tired but good.

Wasabi 2 Day 4

The day started with Sven and Jeff dealing with a broken fridge. We had it looked at yesterday and they are bringing a part on Tuesday. But it’s too late for all our food. Jeff spent the morning throwing away food while I watched from the couch.

I felt pretty crappy today. Tired and digestive issues. But my stomach is better and pop tarts don’t need refrigeratoration.

Thanks to Panama City’s many restaurants and excellent delivery services, we can still eat healthy even without the fridge.

Wasabi 2 Day 2

Any day the includes coconut water directly from a coconut is a good day.

I will admit, I wasn’t as hopped up on the steroids as last time but did have some energy.

Started the day making soup. Sven supervised.

I drank some organic chicken broth (store bought) because that is supposed to help recovery.

Sven was not impressed with broth.

Then switched to pop tarts.

Sven couldn’t finish his. Luckily Jeff agreed to eat his.

Went out to lunch and ate healthy.

OK falafel was maybe a bit too fried to be healthy.

We’ll see if eating healthy helps. And if not, I have several more boxes of pop tarts.

Wasabi #2

The hardest part of getting ready for Wasabi was organizing all my ice packs.

I have ice socks for my feet. Ice gloves for my hands, replacement ice packs when they aren’t cold anymore and most importantly….ice packs for my head!

There is a thought that if you ice your head it can prevent hair loss. Some infusion centers have special ice caps to wear. Mine does not so I’m going to devise my own.

Right before Wasabi I had a checkup.

And now I’m all hooked up.

Sven is keeping a close eye on me.

Sven helping me get the ice packs ready

Anyone need me to take a casserole out of the oven with my ice glove?

I tried to shove a bunch of ice packs under my hat but they were so heavy my neck couldn’t hold my head .
now home napping.

25% complete!

Tomorrow is the next Wasabi which means I’m a quarter of the way through.

I could never have done it without Jeff. He has taken such good care of me. Taking the Wasabi and lying around is the easy part. Taking care of me physically and mentally. That is the hard part!!!

Today Sven came with me for my pre Wasabi blood work.

He was excited to check out the Panama Clinic.

He also got his blood work done.