Today we were back to walking. If you look out on the distance you can see our building. We Ubered over here and then went for a walk. If you zoom in the curved building is our old building and the smaller dark blue curved building to the right is our current building.
Category: Uncategorized
Still coughing but better.
I’m still coughing but better. I’ve only needed two cough drops vs twenty on past days. We went out for a little walk today and saw the moon and I think Venus?
My cold is so much better, but my cough still lingerss. Jeff gave Sven and Sergio some orange earplugs. Sven said they are helping but he’s only getting 20 hours of sleep a day with all my coughing.
Not much difference between green juice 1 and 2
Yesterday I got juice. Normally I get an orange juice (the color not the fruit) and a green. The juice guy only had green so I got two different ones. They were surprisingly different. Were they good? Well they were better than the ones I got today from the other competing juice place
I do think juice is healthy but it’s not cheap. Both places sell a bottle for $5. It’s not bad until you think it would be $300 a month to keep us both in juice. And yes we could buy a juicer. We have one in our storage locker in Seattle. Guess how often we used to make juuce….never.
Time for a Refill
Today was my day to get more maitenance drug. It’s every three weeks and really does feel like I’m in to get my oil changed or topped off. It’s quick and by the time I’m settled in and reading my book I’m done.
The only side effect is I’m really tired when I get home. But it’s a great reason to take a two hour nap.
Stopped in Starbucks
Today we went to a Starbucks. There are none near us, so we rarely go here in Panama. I think I might have been wearing a mask last time. That’s how long ago it was. It is interesting how similar they are to the US. The only thing differentb was the food. They had empanadas and these giant sandwiches.
I also saw my Panama doctor today. I’m all cleared for my maitenance drug tomorrow.
Kombucha, is it supposed to taste like vinegar?
This wasn’t terrible, but I can seex why it was on sale for 40% off. It tasted much more vinegary than I expected. Although it definately wakes you up.
Night Swim
Since its the weekend Jeff and I waited until evening to swim. That is the good thing about living in a place that’s boiling hot. Ir’s still 85 degrees at 7pm.
Sometimes you just need fancy hamburgers. I’m still fighting this cold. Going out for burgers, was just what I needed.
Palm fruit?
On today’s walk I saw these really interesting…I’m not sure what. Fruit? I must not have been the only curious one becausec there were some cracked open.
They most not taste good because the birds had no interest.