I feel like a little kid that finally agreed to eat her vegetables. I’m so proud of myself that I had a fried egg for breakfast. The egg aversion has ended.
Jeff and I are going on a trip to Colombia tomorrow. We spent today packing and planning. The sloths are excited. Sven has been several times but Sergio has never been.
Today we had a lazy day. We hung out, saw this rainbow and went to the gym. Today is my last day of antibiotics and I’m feeling really good. I even lifted a tiny bit of weight. I only used 2 pound dumbbells but it felt good to get the muscles working again.
Today we went for a long walk, took a nap and then made guacamole and enchiladas. It was a good mix of exercise and rest.
Our building also decorated for Christmas. These trees must come predecorated because they went up in about 10 minutes. This one is really pretty and tastefully done except for one design element.
There seems to be at least six pairs of elf legs without bodies. Are they stuck in the tree? What happened did the tree fall on them when it was cut down? Are they just amputated elf legs? It’s confusing.
The rainy season is finally starting to break a bit. We got a rare patch of sun at the pool which was great. I was able to swim 16 very slow laps so it’s progress. It’s also been a day of left overs. Yum!
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. Our Moroccan dinner came out great. Jeff did 95% of it. I think I chopped an onion and some carrots.
we started with these stuffed dates. Delicous and really easy to make. I made these.
Next we had lavash which is a cracker that Jeff made from scratch with sour dough dough and he made a roasted eggplant dip. I opened a tub of store bought hummus and spooned it into the bowl.
For the main dish we had a chicken and apricot tagine over cous cous. Which is the top photo. You can see how nicely I cut the carrots. Jeff did the rest. We were too full for dessert.
We are always thankful for all of you our family and friends, but this year more than ever. Thank you all for your support. We love you!
Today I spent a lot of the day awake and outside. This is a huge improvement from yesterday when I slept pretty much 20 hours. I’m feeling so much better after three doses of antibiotics. I have four more to go, so should be good in a few days.
I still wasn’t up for grocery shopping, so Jeff went out and bought what we need. Tomorrow it will Just be the two of us and we are planning a Morrocan menu.
I’m feeling so much better today, no fever or pain. I am still incredibly tired. I feel like I back tracked a little on recovery.
I slept all day and Sven and Sergio supportef me by sleeping all day as well. And yes they sleep on a satin pillowcase. It keeps their fur nice so they don’t have to do much with it in the morning.
I’m going to start changing up the titles of my posts since its hard to keep track of which day post surgery it is.
Today I felt worse and was running a fever. My doctor wanted us to go to the ER just to be safe. After blood and urine tests and hours and hours of waiting around, they diagnosed me with a urinary tract infection and sent us home with antibiotics.
It sucked being there so long but I am glad we went. Jeff said later that he was starting to wonder if we should go because I just didn’t feel well. I was also able to have them remove the two surgical staples that the missed removing at UCSF.
I took my first antibiotic so hopefully will be a lot better tomorrow.
Today was a busy day. We started a walk here and I was able to walk 6100 steps. After we went out for coffee. Then after a long nap we went to our friends Alberto and Gloria’s house. The plan was games and go out to dinner.
After 3 hours of playing Mexican Train and Sequence I could barely keep my eyes open. So we went home and skipped going out to dinner.
Today kind of sucked for me. I had stomach issues that normally wouldn’t be that bad. But with my insides still sore for surgery, gas bubbles we’re painful. But 12 hours later I’m a lot better. I was even hungry for Indian takeout for dinner.