Cancer free day 46

Unfortunately, I’ve developed an egg aversion. I think it happened in the hospital. I had a nice plate of scrambled eggs and then had digestive problems for the next 9 days. The eggs did not cause the issue, but my brain refuses to believe it. Although its not that uncommon. If you Google sudden egg aversion a lot comes up.

Anyway, so we’ve been looking for other things to eat in the morning. Today we made creamy breakfast quinoa with bananas. It was really good. We both like quinoa, but for those that don’t, anything is good with enough butter and brown sugar.

Cancer free day 44

Today was another day of being tired. We did manage a walk and I did 3,200 steps thanks to this crocidile. And no, I was not being chased.

Jeff went up ahead on the path since he currently walks about 10 times faster than me.

He got to the bridge, and took a picture of Juancho as they call him and texted me. I have seen a few crocs over the years but never Juancho so I pushed myself to get to the spot that overlooks the river.

It was worth it. Juancho is huge and seems quite happy.

Cancer free week 6

Today I’m six weeks post surgery. It feels so much longer than 6 weeks. My doctor said it will take a full 3 months. So I’m halfway through. This next 6 weeks will be much easier than the last.

Today I got my steps in by doing errands. I went to the nearby grocery store. The drug store and the casino.

The casino is where the nearest ATM is. I did not gamble. It’s a pretty sad looking casino so there is not even a temptation. The security guard looked a bit surprised seeing me walk very slowly in at 11am.

Cancer free day 41

Today in order to take our minds off the election results, we took a walk in Parque Omar. Jeff walked the 3 mile loop while I looked at all the art. I’m not sure if this was new or I never noticed it before.

I walked 2,900 steps which for me is a lot. I then spent the rest of the day napping. It’s easier to handle the election results from Panama. They are not interested in American politics so it is just a normal day here.

Cancer free day 38

Today was a much better day. I had more energy and was in better spirits. The big excitement was Jeff went out and bought a dehumidifier. When we left to go to California we put our A/C on 80 degrees where it stayed for a month.We should have realized the problem wouldn’t be extreme heat but extreme humidity.

I won’t go into details except to say, did you know a plastic computer keyboard could grow mold?

All mold has been elimimated, but we are still drying the apartment out. We’ll see if it helps my frizzy hair.