Sheryl asked me to give you the update today. She’s tired and trying to stay off screens. This was the day we had anticipated Sheryl would leave the hospital, but some things are progressing a little slower and so it will likely be Thursday or Friday of this week. But each day there is progress. She walked a bit more today. Some digestive issues are clearing up. There’s still some issues with blood oxygen numbers, but that’s well controlled with extra oxygen through tubes in the nose (no idea what that is called).
Category: Uncategorized
Post surgery Day 4

Today was good. Not as much progress as yesterday. The day started off with my respitory therapists having me use this to blow into for fun to strengthen my lungs. But my the end of another day of not walking around its become a need to do.

Sven and Sergio zoomed with their brother Rodrigo in Seattle. They had a nice meetup.

Then my parents and sister visited. Jeff visited in the morning but I didn’t get a c photo of him. He was too busy being amazed at my respitory prowness.
Thank you everyone for reading and commenting. Im too tired to respond but Im reading all the comments.
Cancer no more in ’24
Post surgery day 3

Today was a good day for me. I was able to get out of bed and take about 20 very wobbly steps with a walker. But it was progress. I’m also back on solid food and off one of my pain meds.
It was an even better day for Sven who was reunited with his half brother Sergio. Sven and Rodrigo (Sven’s brother who lives in Seattle) all have the same father but Sergio’s mother was a pygmy sloth that’s why he’s smaller. He’s having Sven train him in how to be a support sloth.

My sister Laura, brother-in-law Jesse and niece Joey also visited.
Post surgery day 2

Yesterday was rough. I was in a lot of pain and couldn’t get up and walk around. Every time I tried with the nurse’s help I almost fainted. Getting me to this chair was a big deal.

I also had this guy come in and play me a song on his dulcimer. It was really nice, but similar to when Christmas carolers come to your door.
This duplicate photo is on here because I can’t figure out how to delete.

This next picture is from the first night. You can see the pain killlers were workimg

Today is going better. Still can’t get up but I’m in less pain.
Cancer no more in ’24
That’s my new slogan
Post surgery day 1

I’m feeling good considering. I’m alert and in some pain, but they are giving me meds. I’ll write more later.
Out of Surgery
Sheryl’s surgery is done and everything went as expected, which is great news. She’ll be in recovery for around two hours and then will be in a room. Laura and I will be able to see her at that time.
“Procedure is going well”
It’s jeff: Just wanted to provide an update for anyone following the blog. I’ve gotten several texts from UCSF medical center saying “procedure is going well”. There’s not much else to say. It may still be several hours before she is out of the operation. Sheryl’s sister Laura is with me at the hospital.
Ready for surgery!

Jeff, Sven and I are at the hospital. It’s 5:30am so we are tired. But I’m so glad the day is finally here. Jeff will post an update but it may not be until late afternoon California time.
Surgery is at 7:30. It’s going to be about 5 hours and then recovery time.
Surgery is tomorrow!

I’m super ready and happy surgery is tomorrow. Yesterday I had to go to UCSF for a pre-surgery blood test. They gave me this “patient locator.”

It’s a big place and I did get a bit lost, but not so bad they needed this pager thing. After, we met up with my sister Laura which was so great.

Today was a liquid diet and some meds which I am not a fan of.

Tomorrow we have to be at the hospital at 5:30am. Without coffee Jeff may need to carry me into the hospital.
Surgery is at 7:30am. Jeff will update the blog tomorrow. It will be a long day so it may be later in the afternoon before there are updates.
Thank you all for reading and supporting us. By this time tomorrow I should be recovering and cancer – free!