This wasn’t terrible, but I can seex why it was on sale for 40% off. It tasted much more vinegary than I expected. Although it definately wakes you up.
This wasn’t terrible, but I can seex why it was on sale for 40% off. It tasted much more vinegary than I expected. Although it definately wakes you up.
Since its the weekend Jeff and I waited until evening to swim. That is the good thing about living in a place that’s boiling hot. Ir’s still 85 degrees at 7pm.
Sometimes you just need fancy hamburgers. I’m still fighting this cold. Going out for burgers, was just what I needed.
On today’s walk I saw these really interesting…I’m not sure what. Fruit? I must not have been the only curious one becausec there were some cracked open.
They most not taste good because the birds had no interest.
The water looked really green this morning. I hope it was due to the lighting and not some weird pollution.
We also made a new green soup. This one had brocoli, cauliflower, kale cashews and dill. It was really good and about as healthy as a soup can be.
Kim and Deb were back in town tonight before flying back home tomorrow. Poor Deb had a sinus infection during their week traveling around Panama. It made my cold look like nothing. But we were both feeling better tonight at dinner.
It was great to see them.
I’m still sick, but am not too sick for my Zoom Spanish lessons and homework. I think using colored pencils makes it more fun.
I’m almost over my cold and happy to report Jeff has not caught it. I still have a runny nose. I asked my Zoom Spanish teacher how you say “runny nose” in Spanish. She said there isn’t a direct translation. You just say in Spanish my nose has mucous. I guess it makes sense. Runny never really made sense in terms of noses.
I’m down with the cold that is going around. I napped most of the day with some balcony breaks. Sven and Sergio we’re good support sloths.
Jeff and I both feel like we’re getting colds so we had a quiet day. I spent most of the day hanging out on our balcony.