A new juice store opened near our house. This green juice was really good. It had kale and cucumber and basil but also a lot of apple and lime because it was really good.
For dinner we made a broccoli spinach soup. It was also green and delicous. But it didn’t photograph well. I can’t imagine how they do it for cookbooks. Below is from the recipe.
Above is the picture from the recipe. Below is how it came out.
We didn’t do the topping but the color is totally difrerent. It was super good but I understand if you don’t want me to make this the next time you come over for dinner.
Today we started the day with a, walk and then I went to an expat event. It was something called a Sound Bath. Basically everyone lied in a yoga mat and someone taps these singing bowls. Each one has a different sound so it sounds like meditation music. It was so relaxing. After about 30 minutes we all chatted. You can see how relaxed everone is.
Today Jeff and I went to Parque Omar which is a not park in the middle of the city. We’ve been several times since surgery but today was the first day I did the complete two mile loop. I forgot how hilly the park was. While not hilly compared to San Fran or Sesttle it’s hillier than the other walks we’ve done.
I sounded like Darth Vader at the top of each hill but I was able to do it which is progress.
When I told Sven and Sergio they had to take a bath today get ran and hid. But, since they’re sloths it took them three hoyrs to get up on the couch. Turns out sloths are bad ar hiding.
Once they were in the sink they relaxed and enjoyed the bubble bath.
They insisted on luxury robes to dry off. They also wanted a blow dry but then complained they were too hot.
Now they are hanging to dry with the laundry which they think is fun.
Jeff and I flew from San Francisco to Miami today. We landed at 9:30pm. The traffic from the airport was so bad we didn’t check into our hotel until 11pm.
On our way down to the hotel bar at 11:30 a woman in the elevator asked us if we were walking to the fireworks. Turns out it was only a 10 minute walk
The crowd was mellow, the weather was warm and the fireworks were great. 2025 is going to be a great year. Happy New Year!
Jeff and I took a shuttle from Monterey to San Fran so I could have a “procedure”at UCSF.
We rushed to get there by 1:30 and then found out the doctor was running 90 minutes late. The nurse was apologetic but I was thrilled. I was in no hurry to have them put a light and camera imto my urethra and pull out the stentm. We went out to lunch and then headed.
I just assumed the stent was a tiny strawlike thing. Nope turns out its a foot long piece of plastic tubing.
from Google.
I’m s glad I didn’t know this before. When the doctor finally came in I was pretty nervous but the whole think took less than five minutes and I barely felt it.
I was so relieved when it was over. We are staying the night in a hotel by the San Fran airport. We went out for Thai food for dinner but started with celebratory gin.
I have a photo of the actual stent they pulled out. Im not going to post it, but if you want to see it let me know.