Jeff still sick

Jeff was down with this cold all day so I went for a walk and checked on my favorite tree. I think I’ve mentioned it before. Since its growing next to this pole it keeps getting cut down. But then it grows again. Below is how it looked on Nov 9.

It dawned on me today that maybe the person in charge of chopping it down doesn’t really want to kill it. Either that or they are just really bad at their job.

4 thoughts on “Jeff still sick”

  1. El nogal común, nogal europeo o nogal español, y, en México, nuez de Castilla[1]​ (Juglans regia), es un árbol monoico y caducifolio de la familia de las Juglandaceae en el orden de las Fagales. Es la especie del género más difundida en Europa, extendiéndose por todo el suroeste y centro de Asia, hasta el Himalaya y sudoeste de China.

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