Wasabi #2

The hardest part of getting ready for Wasabi was organizing all my ice packs.

I have ice socks for my feet. Ice gloves for my hands, replacement ice packs when they aren’t cold anymore and most importantly….ice packs for my head!

There is a thought that if you ice your head it can prevent hair loss. Some infusion centers have special ice caps to wear. Mine does not so I’m going to devise my own.

Right before Wasabi I had a checkup.

And now I’m all hooked up.

Sven is keeping a close eye on me.

Sven helping me get the ice packs ready

Anyone need me to take a casserole out of the oven with my ice glove?

I tried to shove a bunch of ice packs under my hat but they were so heavy my neck couldn’t hold my head .
now home napping.

25% complete!

Tomorrow is the next Wasabi which means I’m a quarter of the way through.

I could never have done it without Jeff. He has taken such good care of me. Taking the Wasabi and lying around is the easy part. Taking care of me physically and mentally. That is the hard part!!!

Today Sven came with me for my pre Wasabi blood work.

He was excited to check out the Panama Clinic.

He also got his blood work done.

Day 23 Saturday

I’m feeling good on a Saturday which is fantastic. The day started with me getting this amazing hat! I also got something called a Buff with its an SPF multi use hat/scarf/neck covering/headband.

At the moment I’m wearing it as a headband but soon with be wearing is as a scarf. My hair is either super thinning or totally falling out.

Stared out with coffee and pastries. Yes that is Jeff’s hand in a brace. The poor guy fractured it a few weeks ago (just diagnosed on Friday) when he saw the doctor. And has been taking care of me with a broken hand for the last month.

The chin strap came in really handy in our very windy walk.

Sven asked if he could have my other hat.

And now we are hanging out with Samuel and Rolf.

Day 21 So happy to have another week before the next one.

Most people with OC have Wasabi every 3 weeks, but I’m on slightly different meds so my schedule is every 4 weeks. This is awesome because it gives me another week to build up my strength. I am feeling so much better but still tire out easily. Pre Wasabi I swam 40 laps a day. Yesterday I had to push myself to do 15.

Today I went for a walk. I was mortified because I thought I saw a dead Yorkie dog on the sidewalk. But on second glance it was literally a discarded dirty mop. So that was good.

I want to the pharmacy and got this bolsita (little bag) for my purchases.

Halfway to the park, I realized my bag looked like a dog poop bag, and I didn’t have a dog. Not quite sure what people thought I was carrying.

Right as I was thinking how hot I was in my long sleeved long tights sun gear. I came upon this gentleman in a suit.

Then on my way home I saw my favorite fruit seller wearing a matching hat.

I didn’t have any cash or the strength to carry a bunch of bananas all the way home so I took a picture instead.

Day 20 still feeling good.

Today I even went swimming. Due to my sun sensitivity I wore this swim jacket my mom gave me. I actually have matching swim shorts but couldn’t find them.

Last time we visited my parents my mom saw my swim shorts and just randomly had bought matching swim jacket.

This was the 2nd time this happened.

Years ago we visited and I was wearing this tank top and my mom had a matching shirt.

Back to the swim. It was great but Sven was mad that he couldn’t come. There are strict no sloths in the pool rules

When we got back to our apt he was hanging out in the flowers.

Day 19 feeling 100% like myself again.

I am feeling fantastic today. The weird thing is somehow Wasabi cured my hot flashes. It’s the weirdest thing I am completely hot flash free at least for now.

I got these incredible flowers today. They are huge and amazing. Every time I leave the living room and reenter I’m amazed all over again.

The only problem is, Sven tried to eat them. I had to explain to him that not all leaves and flowers are sloth food.

To distract him I let him hero with dinner. He was pretty good with the spiralizer.

He seemed way too relaxed using such a sharp knife.

He is enjoying watching the zucchini noodles cook.