Jeff is still sick, poor guy. But he’s getting a bit better.
I went swimming which was really nice. I didn’t actually swim under the full moon because when I saw it coming up I used it as an excuse to get out of the water. But I was pretty much done. I swam 30 laps today which felt great.
Jeff was down with this cold all day so I went for a walk and checked on my favorite tree. I think I’ve mentioned it before. Since its growing next to this pole it keeps getting cut down. But then it grows again. Below is how it looked on Nov 9.
It dawned on me today that maybe the person in charge of chopping it down doesn’t really want to kill it. Either that or they are just really bad at their job.
Jeff was sick today with this cold I had a few weeks ago. He’s getting better but it’s slow. I went for a walk today and saw this turkey vulture on the light post. We usually see them flying around or picking through garbage. It was nice to see one looking regal for a change.
Jeff now has the cold I had before. While he napped I took a walk. You can see a bunch of ships in the distance if you zoom in. They are all lined up to go through the canal. I’m not sure why we didn’t see any go through when we were there last week.
Due to Jeff being sick we skipped the expat Superbowl party. I was glad to have an excuse not to go. All I’m interested in are the commercials. I was able to watch them before the game on You tube. My favorite one was the one with Elmo.
Tonight we made paella and watched an episode of Severance. Wev watched it via Zoom with our friends Casey and Julie. Ot was a nice combo day of rest and fun.
We had our Colimbian friends Gloria and Alberto over for a game of Mexican train. Whenever we see them they are all smiles until the photo. Then they look very serious.
This sign has nothing to do with my day. I did not fall into a deep hole. I appreciate the sign. This looks like more than a hole. More like an underground cave.
Today I had my Zoom writing class and Zoom Spanish lesson. So it was a good day of being busy but not too busy.
Anne, Emanuel, Rodrigo and I went to the Panama Canal today. Jeff had an eye doctor appt and Sven and Sergio were still asleep when I left the apartment.
There we’re no ships transiting while we were there, so there wasn’t much to see. The canal looks a lot like the Ballard locks in Seattle and the Chicago River locks in Chicago. But it’s still fun to see.
While we were out Sven and Sergio were busy reading the letter Rodrigo wrote us. When Rodrigo first met Anne, Sven wrote her a letter of introduction. So we were all thrilled when Rodrigo wrote us a letter with an update on his life in Seattle.
They also were admiring the magnets Rodrigo gave us.
For dinner the sloths enjoyed naps while we went out for dinner.
Anne, Emanuel and Rodrigo are off tomorrow on their Costa Rican adventure.
My friend Anne, her husband Emanuel and Rodrigo her support sloth came for a visit today. Anne and I met at Starbucks where she was one of the best bosses I’ve ever had and is now one of my best friends. We were twinsies today in our sloths in Seattle shirts.
Rodrigo is brothers with Sven and Sergio. When Anne had health issues last year he went on assignment to Seattle to support Anne. Now he’s living his best life in Seattle.
The three brothers enjoyed catching up before falling asleep.
Anne, Emanuel and Rodrigo have one more day in Panama before heading off on vacation in Costa Rica.
Today we were back to walking. If you look out on the distance you can see our building. We Ubered over here and then went for a walk. If you zoom in the curved building is our old building and the smaller dark blue curved building to the right is our current building.