Today we started with croissants then went for a walk and ended with trip to Panana Costco. We went to a different location. All the same stuff but pregnant lady parking spots.
Today was another rainy swim day. It is the rainy season but there was a tropical storm that passed near Panama that made it a bit rainier than normal.
I used our swim snorkeler that I now realize from this photo makes me look super weird. It’s not for snorkeling but to swim without having to worry about breathing so you can concentrate on your stroke and kick. It may also keep others out of the pool due to fear.
When we left the apartment Sven was checking email.
Today started with a text from my regular oncologist asking how I was feeling. I haven’t been seeing him since I’m seeing a Wasabi doctor. The fact that you can just text your doctors here is so nice.
The day started with rain and clouds. Most shocking was the temperature.
This was the coldest it’s been since we got here.
It’s back in the 80s now so I don’t need to pull out a jacket.
I’m once again thankful that my Wasabi schedule is every 28 days vs every 21. I have entire week to feel good before my next one.
Today it was raining when I went out for a walk. One good thing about the rain is I don’t have to worry as much about getting sunburnt.
I still wore a sun shirt. Next time I wear the sparkly one I’m going to stand by this sparkly pole.
I spent a lot of time playing with the macro setting on my phone. People walking by must have thought, “she must not have leaves where she comes from.”
I was able to really look up at this statue without sun in my eyes. They really were realistic with the nostrils.
This telescope sort of looks like ET or Wall-E.
I walked 2.5 miles. I was tired when I got home but felt pretty darn good.