Pool day, Martyrs day and our Panaversary

Today we went to the pool which was full of children with floats and water guns. This is the trade off. Our last apartment building had few children at the pool. It did however have prostitutes and people that might have been drug kingpins. This building is full of families and no prodtitutes or shady characters which is worth dodging floats and kids.

The pool was crowded because today is Martyrs day which is a holiday to remember a sad event in Panama’s history. I’m too lazy to explain it so copy/pasting this from wiki.

This is especially interesting with the recent comments by Trump about the canal.

Today also marks our five year anniversary in coming to Panama. Hard to believe what started with a six month trip could turn into five years.

5 thoughts on “Pool day, Martyrs day and our Panaversary”

  1. I remember the only trade-offs we had to face whilst renting in college – distance from hang-outs (not school haha) and cost. That’s quite the set of dilemmas you’re now facing: shady vs kids. 😜

  2. Wow😲Big mix of heavy (Martyr’s Day + Jimmy Carter’s funeral), light (kids in the pool) and personal (Panaversary/time flies)💚We miss you two

  3. 5 years!! Wow & how fun it has been having you guys share your Panama Journeys with us. Love the pool view! Miss you guys & can’t wait to see you ♥️

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