Stentless in San Francisco

Jeff and I took a shuttle from Monterey to San Fran so I could have a “procedure”at UCSF.

We rushed to get there by 1:30 and then found out the doctor was running 90 minutes late. The nurse was apologetic but I was thrilled. I was in no hurry to have them put a light and camera imto my urethra and pull out the stentm. We went out to lunch and then headed.

I just assumed the stent was a tiny strawlike thing. Nope turns out its a foot long piece of plastic tubing.

from Google.

I’m s glad I didn’t know this before. When the doctor finally came in I was pretty nervous but the whole think took less than five minutes and I barely felt it.

I was so relieved when it was over. We are staying the night in a hotel by the San Fran airport. We went out for Thai food for dinner but started with celebratory gin.

I have a photo of the actual stent they pulled out. Im not going to post it, but if you want to see it let me know.

3 thoughts on “Stentless in San Francisco”

  1. 👏 👏 so happy your procedure went well. Start of a Happy & Healthy New Year ❤️
    Beautiful pictures of your family. Hugs to all

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