Getting ready this morning was a lot easier knowing what to expect after 3 times and knowing it was the last one.

This is how Sven got into my backpack.

Jeff came with me as he always does to my appt. They don’t let anyone in the infusion room so he sat with me until they called me in, went home and came back and picked me up 3 hours later.

Sven is thinking of becoming a nurse now so was really interested in the things they needed to hook me up.

He really wanted to look closely at how they administer the drugs.
I slept through most of it today only waking up to put on my ice socks and gloves.

No bell to ring but I did get a certificate and a really sweet send off.
I would say I will miss my nurses but I have to come back every 2 months for them to flush my port. I need to keep it in for a few months just to be sure I don’t need it again. So I will see them again but it will be much quicker and easier.

Afterwards went out for lunch which included fresh juice

Now back at home napping and eating homemade bread that Jeff had waiting for me. I’m tired and don’t feel like I’m on a steroids high yet but you can see the steroids induced crazy in my eyes.
Yay!! Congratulations on a huge milestone!! ❤️❤️❤️
Thank you!!!! Very excited to recover from this one and get on with traveling!
Huge congratulations! So happy for you. xo
Thank you so much!!!!
YAY SHERYL!!!!!💕💕💕🥳
I am looking forward to meeting up with you at some point…hugs
Me too!
Yay! All done!
Now looking forward to seeing & reading all about your travels!