Bring it!!!

Turns out I need chemo. Both my San Fran and Panama doctors agree.

I haven’t updated the blog in awhile because i was trying to find a way and reason to avoid chemo.

But there is no avoiding it so I’m doing it and going to rock some cool wigs.

First I need another PET scan where they put the nuclear stuff in a vein. That will decide if I’m currently cancer free and getting preventative chemo, or if it’s already come back and I’m getting kill the cancer chemo.

Either way I’m going to kick cancer to the curb.

Here’s the current plan.

We are back in Panama after a Chicago visit to see Jan (Jeff’s mom). She is still in rehab working to get her legs and left arm working again. But she is in good spirits and doing her PT.

Radioactive test on Thur.

Results on Monday

Chemo doctor consult next week.

Stay in Panama and get that chemo going.

Rock wigs

these are all old photos, but giving me good ideas for future looks

5-6 months be done with this and travel around Panama!

3 thoughts on “Bring it!!!”

  1. Sheryl, although brief, I’m so glad we got to catch up. I’m so sorry that further treatment is required but I know you got this & will tackle it head-on! We haven’t stopped sending positive thoughts, in fact we’re sending more & hugs too. So glad Jeff’s mom on the mend. Ps: I’m loving the RED wig! 🤣

  2. Do you still have these wigs in the photos because, if so, you do not need to spend much time wig shopping. You look excellent in all of them.

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