Day 9 Digital thermometers suck

Today started off great. I’m getting my energy back and while still resting am back to talking Jeff’s ear off. I am for sure on the upswing

Jeff went to do errands today one of which was to either find a battery for the 3 digital thermometers we have that are all low battery. Or buy a new one.

After going to a store called Casa De Batterias

which has all kinds of batteries except the kind for thermometers. he came back with a new one.

I ran a fever at 4:00 and this is what the brand new one showed after using it once.

The difference between 37.8 and 38.0 can decide if we need to go to the ER.

So, Jeff is currently our shopping for a 4th digital therm.

Update-by the time he got home with thermometer 4 and 5, my fever was down but the doctor had called and wanted us to come in.

three hours later we are back home with another antibiotic. prescription and instructions to keep checking my temp.

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