W2 Day 26

One of the side effects of Wasabi is something called neurathpy. It’s temporary (hopefully) nerve damage usually to your hands and feet.

I’m just starting to get it now in my fingertips. It’s not terrible, but it makes anything with texture feel really weird.

Luckily Sven helped me with some of the things that threw me off today.

He opened the almond milk. Turning the ridged cap hurts.

He’s opening anything with a zip lock top. Trying to pry them apart is really hard. This one was especially bad since it was a childproof zip lock. I guess to keep kids and idiots from eating Tide Pods?

He opened the shades. This cord hurts my hands to pull.

He wouldn’t let me near this pineapple.

He let me know that the towels are fine and did not get rough overnight.

Same thing with the kitchen chair. There is nothing suddenly wrong with the upholstery.

He gave up though when I told him his fur isn’t as soft as it used to be and he should use my conditioner.

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