I only had one tiny fever today and it went down on its own without Tylenol so that is great!

Next question is, will I lose my hair? If so it will start in these next days. My scalp is feeling tingly weird which is the first symptom before it falls out. So we’ll see.
At this point I will be ok with it. I haven’t dyed my gray roots or gotten a haircut because Murphys Law and I’m not sure dye would be bad for my scalp. So my hair looks crazy and I’ve gotten some great beanies, and a wig. So I’m ready. We should know in a few days.
You look Marvelous! Glad you had a great day!! Hugs! ❤️
Thank you Amy!
If it comes down to it, you will look excellent with that sloth head covering (although I hope you keep your hair). xo
Yes Sven had offered to lay on my head. He may look like the racoon cap that Daniel Boone wore.
Thanks for continuing to keep us posted & sharing the great pics…even when you’d probably rather be off the grid. ❤️
Thanks Grace. I’m loving having everyone read the blog. Makes me know your are all here with me virually. ❤
I love your wild hair! I think it looks great. I guess I’m still stuck in the 1970’s lol!!