Since a fever would require another trip to the ER, I rested all day and monitored my temp. Sven kept a close eye on me
It did hit 38F at one point but my doctor said if I keep checking it every 4 hours and it doesn’t go higher I don’t have to come in.
Ummm I’ve been checking it every 20 minutes in the day and waking up every 2 hours to check it at night.

Sven is also keeping me hydrated. PMI (the company I work for) gave me my very own personalized tumbler. The other side has my name and emoji but I couldn’t get Sven to sit still for the photo shoot.
Why can’t we see your emoji on the other side of the tumbler??
Glad that the fever seems under control. Keep it up!
Sven kept falling over and I got too tired to keep taking photos but I’ll take one tomorrow
Glad to hear! Keep it up! Looks like Sven needs a nap 😴
Glad to hear! Keep it up! Looks like Sven needs a nap
Fingers crossed for no spikes in temp. 🤞
You look nice & comfy.
Hope you are doing ok today and no spikes in temperature!
Thank you. I think it’s finally under control. 🤞
Thank you. Hopefully from here on I’ll be fever free.