Safety Signs and Egg Bragging

We went into an OXXO last night. It’s like a 7 Eleven. They had this huge egg display. With the exchange rate a dozen eggs is $2 American dollars. At this point it feels like bragging because who buys eggs at an OXXO?

I wasn’t feeling great yesterday so didn’t do much. But I did spend some time learning about what to do in an emergency. These signs are posted outside the elelevators. I love the first picture. If trapped im an elevator hold a briefcase and shake hands.

The first picture in the above sign is also pretty great. If your short friend is about to throw up comfort them and lecture them.

5 thoughts on “Safety Signs and Egg Bragging”

  1. 😆 🤣 😂 love the elevator interpretation! OMG the eggs!!!! Happy coloring for Easter…while we (here in U.S.) have to resort to the plastic eggs 😒 (affordable)

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