Last night with our friends was fun but tired me 0ut today. We pretty much just hung out and went for a quick dip in the pool.
It’s funny with a hat on my hair looks brown. Pulled back it looks gray and down it just looks crazy. But hey, I still have hair so that’s good.
Beeeeeyouuuutiful!!! Love it! Rest & be Blessed! Hugs ❤️
Thank you Amy!
Happy Easter Alison.
Thank you, you too💚
We celebrated by chasing rabbits out of our yard. They are sneaking under the fence with the help of a possum. Tom made a video of the whole thing on a ring camera. Yuck, I don’t like possums. And the rabbits are eating our plants that we’ve replaced twice, once due two the big freeze and again due to… rabbits, those rascally rabbits.
Ugh possums are so gross! Rabbits are only cute if they are bringing Easter candy, not if they are eating your plants