Our fridge is finally fixed and we got a small order delivered from the grocery store. We didn’t want to buy too much in case the fix is short lived. But tonight we are making a nice lentil and sweet potato stew. And then excited to refrigerate the left overs.
I’m feeling good just super tired. Sven and I did some latch hooking today. I used to love latch hook as a kid and still do.

Let me know if anyone needs a shag rug wall hanging. I’m currently working on a cute rainbow but after that I’m available for all your latch hooking needs.
So happy your fridge is working (fingers 🤞)
I would LOVE a latch rug of the sun 🌞 ☀️ 🌤 🌅! Keep me posted 😉 😜
Just keep resting…hugs! Sending our love ❤️
That’s so funny that is what I’m doing now. A sun and rainbow. ❤❤
I loved latch hooking as a kid too! After this you can move on to the mini looms with the rubber cloth bands and make a lot of potholders….
I forgot about making pot holders!I loved making them.
What the heck is Tillamook cheese doing in Panama? What a land of amazing riches.
Omg I know! And it wasn’t cheap. We were happily eating local cheese when we realized it all had bovine growth hormone in it. With the extra $$$ to have the flavor without the gross stuff.
Ooh, lentil & sweet potato stew sounds really good! Macramé plant holder after latch hook rainbow? 🤣
I forgot about macrame. I was terrible at it. I still remember the feel of the weird rope.
I would send you a new latch hook, but still waiting on the cards from 5 weeks ago to show up! Keep rocking the wasabi!
Love you!
Thank you. I’m excited for when the cards do finally come. And I still have a ways to go on this latch hook. Sven is not really much.
I’d like a latch hook of a rainbow unicorn, please… or Doughnut Boy.
Omg a Doughnut Boy latchhook would be the best ever.