Not to brag but I totally rocked the Marie Antoinette this morning.

The reason. I’m always in this orange dress in my hair photos is because this is my coffee dress. It’s super comfy but due to the color makes me look nude. So I only wear it first thing in the morning while drinking coffee on our balcony.

I’m starting to feel better. Tired but not so crummy. Today Sven helped me with my latch hook. I’ve timed it so I’ll finish it when I complety finish Wasabi and side effects. Both are getting close to done!
I think you will start a new hair fashion trend. Keep it up.
I think the Marie Antoinette is my new look. Better than the Joan Jett
Funny, even before I saw the comments and saw the photos, I thought Marie Antoinette…. And the latch hook is looking good… what are you going to do with it when you are finished?
I’m perfecting my let them eat cake look. I’m not sure yet with my latch hook.