Today we unusually nice out according to the locals. It was beautiful and felt about 20 degrees cooler than Panama City. We took a really long walk into the centro. There were so many great door photos. Here is the first one I saw.

After our walk we went grocery shopping. The store was similar to an American supermarket but there were a few differences.
I could be wrong, but I don’t think pif sized pork rinds are common at Safeway.

Is Twix Coffee a think l thing in the US?

I know dried chilis ate available, but in bulk?

We weer able to find everything except few a,few things like canned garbonzo beans. But we did find the dried. So next time I remember to soak them the night before and have 3-4 hours to cook then we’ll be all set.
Have fun exploring!
Is Twix coffee Twix forward, or coffee forward? Does it come in bars, or ground? It says ground on the bag, but can you trust that? Can you put it in your pocket? Can you hand it out at Halloween? Also, I love your door pics😍
❤️ so happy 😊 that you guys are in a beautiful town, amazing food & wonderful people. Can’t wait to see more.